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Report an Incident

Any person may report suspected misconduct by any undergraduate or graduate & professional UNC-Chapel Hill student to Student Conduct for review. A report may be filed using the appropriate online reporting system found below. Student Conduct will review the report and refer it to the appropriate entity for action.

Report a Suspected Violation of Academic Dishonesty

Academic Dishonesty violations are listed in full detail in Section II.B. of the Instrument, and can include:

  1. Plagiarism;
  2. Falsification, fabrication, or misrepresentation of data, other information, or citations in connection with an academic assignment, whether graded or otherwise;
  3. Unauthorized assistance or unauthorized collaboration;
  4. Cheating on examinations or other academic assignments;
  5. Violating procedures pertaining to the academic process;
  6. Deliberately furnishing false information;
  7. Forging, falsifying, or misusing University documents, records, etc.;
  8. Violating other University policies that are designed to ensure academic integrity, etc.; and
  9. Assisting or aiding another to engage in acts of academic dishonesty.

Instructors who suspect academic dishonesty should refer the matter to Student Conduct as soon as reasonably possible.

Report a Suspected Violation of Non-Academic Misconduct

Non-Academic Misconduct includes behaviors adversely affecting members of the University Community and are listed in full detail in Section II.C of the Instrument. For reports regarding COVID Compliance, please use this form. Examples of behaviors constituting Non-Academic Misconduct can include: 

  1. Fighting 
  2. Hazing
  3. Illegally possessing, manufacturing, selling, or delivering a controlled substance
  4. Operating a motor vehicle while impaired
  5. Stealing, destroying, damaging, or misusing property
  6. Forging, falsifying, or misusing documents
  7. Trespassing 

Report a Suspected Violation of the Alcohol Policy

Any person may report suspected misconduct under the University Alcohol Policy. The Alcohol Policy of applicable to students and student organizations. Examples of behaviors constituting a violation of the Alcohol Policy can include, but are not limited to:

  1. Underage purchase, possession, or consumption of alcoholic beverages
  2. Providing alcohol to a person who is under 21 years of age
  3. Alcohol fueled behavior that is disorderly, disruptive, or jeopardizes the health or safety of self or others 
  4. Possessing or using a false or misrepresentative form of identification to purchase or procure alcoholic beverages. 

For more information about whether a behavior constitutes a potential Honor Code violation or a violation of the University's Alcohol Policy, please contact Student Conduct at 919-962-0805 or [email protected]. Those who experience trouble using the online form may submit reports regarding potential Honor Code or Alcohol Policy violations, along with relevant supporting materials, to Student Conduct at [email protected].

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