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Alcohol Policy FAQs

I received a letter stating I may have violated the Alcohol Policy. What do I do now?

Review the letter and the attached process flow chart. In your letter is a date to attend your initial meeting. If there is not a date listed or you cannot attend at that time, please contact us to schedule your meeting.

What is the preliminary meeting? Is it required?

The preliminary meeting is optional and offered to students who wish to meet prior to the initial meeting to discuss only the process and procedures pertaining to the Alcohol Policy. To schedule a preliminary meeting, please contact us.

What happens in the initial meeting?

The initial meeting is a part of the administrative procedures as outlined by the Alcohol Policy. The initial meeting is intended to serve as an opportunity to gain the student or student leader’s perspective on the alleged violation(s) and determine whether a reasonable basis exists to charge a student or organization with a potential violation. Included in this meeting is the review of evidence and the incident report received, the review of procedural alternatives available to the student in responding to any charge(s), and applicable procedural and appeals rights available to the student. 

Can I bring someone to the meetings? Can they join by phone?

Yes. Students can have anyone accompany them to conduct meetings or proceedings in person or by phone. Students must sign a FERPA waiver so, the hearing officer can share information regarding the student records with that person.

The policy indicates that you may have a support person and a non-attorney or attorney advocate present. An attorney or non-attorney advocate may be selected at your own initiative and expense. They may fully participate in the proceedings. A support person is someone you identify who can provide emotional, logistical, or other kind of assistance as a non-participant who may be present in proceedings. As a non-participant, they cannot serve as a fact witness or provide testimony during any proceeding.

How can I get support or get support for a student?

Students can get support in many ways and through different offices. The Heels Care Network hosts a comprehensive list of resources throughout the University. Additionally, you can contact our office for assistance during business hours at 919-962-0805 or [email protected]. If you, or someone you know, is experiencing an emergency, please call 911.

Do I have to go to the initial meeting?

It is in your best interest to attend the meeting and be honest and open about the alleged incident. If you choose not to attend this meeting, a determination related to a charge may be made without the benefit of your input.

Why do I have an enrollment hold from Student Conduct on my account?

Typically, enrollment holds are placed on students’ accounts when they do not complete all their sanctions by the stated deadline on their outcome letter. If that’s you, please look at your final outcome letter from our office to determine how to move forward with completing those sanctions in a timely manner. You can submit your sanctions here.

In the case that you have already submitted your sanctions, please allow up to five (5) business days for our office to process your sanctions and update records accordingly. 

What is the University’s Medical Amnesty Policy?

The health and safety of students is our top priority. The University wishes to promote an environment where students are not afraid to seek help in medical emergencies due to the added fear of disciplinary action from the University. Student Conduct is committed to giving students who are granted Medical Amnesty the opportunity to learn through support, resources, and intervention without disciplinary action. Please note, if you do not complete your sanctions while granted Medical Amnesty, Student Conduct can rescind Medical Amnesty and you can face disciplinary action under the University’s Alcohol Policy. For more information regarding the University’s Medical Amnesty policy, including qualifications and definitions, please see the University’s Alcohol Policy

Will my parents be notified?

It depends. UNC typically only notifies parents at the time of incident if your safety is in immediate danger (e.g. during an alcohol-related transport to the hospital where a student is unconscious), or if you are under the age of 18.  While it is possible, it is not common practice for parents to be contacted as a sanction outcome from a finding of responsibility for an Alcohol Policy violation.  

How long does an Alcohol Policy violation stay on my record?

A violation of the University’s Alcohol Policy will remain a part of your disciplinary record for eight (8) years and is maintained in Student Conduct. If you were granted Medical Amnesty and completed all the appropriate sanctions by the deadline, the incident is not considered part of your disciplinary record.

I am already involved in criminal court proceedings for this incident. Why am I also being held accountable to the Alcohol Policy?

When joining the Carolina community, students pledge “not to lie, cheat, or steal” and to hold themselves to a high standard of academic and non-academic conduct while both on and off Carolina’s campus. This commitment to academic integrity, ethical behavior, personal responsibility, and civil discourse exemplifies the “Carolina Way”, and this commitment is codified in both the University's Honor Code and in the Alcohol Policy. In situations where the University's interest is impacted by the student’s behavior, the University may hold students accountable to these University policies in addition to the student’s experience in the criminal court proceedings.

I am involved in a criminal court proceeding for this incident. Is there someone at the University who can help me prepare for that process?

Yes. As a student who pays the student fee, you are eligible to work with Carolina Student Legal Services (CSLS). 

I had my case dismissed in the criminal court proceedings for this incident. Can my University violation be dismissed, too?

The University’s Alcohol Policy violations are determined based on the behavior that occurred to cause law enforcement to respond, and the burden of proof determined for the Policy, not the outcome of the court proceeding. Therefore, the outcome of the court process does not have an impact on the University violation outcome or case status.

I am over 21. Why does the Alcohol Policy apply to me?

The Alcohol Policy takes a public-health approach, where all community members take part in our behavior regarding alcohol. While many potential violations are pertinent to being at or above the legal alcohol possession or consumption age, there are still expectations for individuals who are over 21. For example, carrying an open container of alcohol on public property, or making alcohol-fueled decisions that pose potential harm to yourself or others, regardless of age, could be violations of the University’s Alcohol Policy.

Can I receive a copy of my file?

You may view your file by completing the Electronic File Request form and schedule time to view your file. Please note, that all information in your file relating to other students will be redacted from the file given to you.

If you are the representative for a student organization, please note all student identifying information will be redacted from the file before the request is fulfilled.

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