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Get Involved!

Building and maintaining a culture of honor and integrity is important to both students and faculty at Carolina. Such a culture, however, does not arise spontaneously nor does thrive without attention and continuous renewal. Faculty members have always provided important vision, leadership, and energy to make that culture strong. It is for these reasons that the Faculty Council has called for faculty involvement in a number of ways:


Looking for a way to get more involved with the Honor System? Here are some ways to participate:

  • Become a UHB Faculty Member - UHB Faculty Members sit on original academic dishonesty Not Guilty hearings and appellate UHB Panels as members.
  • Become a Faculty Liaison - Faculty Liaisons serve as facilitators of information and communication between the Honor System and academic departments. Faculty Liaisons represent their departments and act as a point of contact for both the Honor System and their department's faculty as they navigate the Honor System.

For more information about either of these roles or to receive training to participate in the Honor System, please contact [email protected].

In order to nourish a strong campus-wide understanding and commitment to honor and integrity, faculty members, teaching assistants, and other instructional personnel should:

  • Explore issues of integrity in connection with instructional activities where relevant and appropriate;
  • Encourage their academic units to take matters of academic integrity seriously, become informed regarding related problems and advisable means of preventing problems from arising, and provide requisite training and support to instructional personnel; and
  • Participate upon request as part of educational initiatives and faculty advisory panels designed to create, nurture, and enforce high standards of academic integrity within the University community, and serve on Honor Court hearings panels.

Ways to Promote Honor on Campus

  1. Know the facts. Become familiar with the provisions of the Honor Code. Submit questions or comments to the respective Student Attorney General’s office so that clarifying interpretations can be developed or additional “frequently asked questions” can be added to this website. Talk with students about academic integrity.
  2. Contribute ideas on teaching methods and materials relating to integrity to the resource bank being established by the Center on Teaching and Learning. Share a real-life dilemma to promote discussion in interactive settings as part of enhanced training programs for faculty or students.
  3. Hold a departmental brown-bag lunch to compare thoughts with colleagues and graduate students about how to create a culture of honor in the classroom and about dealing with challenging problems of academic misconduct. Student Conduct and the Honor System can assist with the events.
  4. Invite an outside speaker, develop a discussion program, or inform others about ongoing activities in departments or units that relate to issues of integrity. Provide pertinent information for listing on the University calendar so these events may be more widely advertised across the University community.
  5. Volunteer to assist or serve as a member of faculty committees responsible for Honor System oversight.
  6. Volunteer to offer a short-course on a topic related to ethics or integrity as part of the Carolina Community Classroom program offered through the Friday Center for Continuing Education.
  7. Work with student organizations - student athletes, members of sororities and fraternities, and other student organizations - in developing programming on integrity that fits the interests of their members. To volunteer, please contact us.
  8. Contact the Center for Public Service about ways in which issues of integrity might be raised in connection with service-learning aspects of a class, or volunteer to assist students working with the Campus Y to provide service to those in need.
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