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For Instructors

As the University continues to offer instruction remotely, Student Conduct encourages continued conversations about academic integrity. Currently, we are addressing the issue of academic integrity and an increase in reports of the use and misuse of subscription based-tutoring websites, and other websites that provide for the sharing of course materials.

Due to the increase in referrals, we encourage faculty members, instructors, and students to continue to report suspected violations of the Honor Code to our office. If you are a faculty member or instructor and need to request additional information from a tutoring website (or related website) prior to referring the case to our office, you must complete the “Faculty and Instructor Letter of Request to Website,” and a professional staff member will generate a letter on behalf of the faculty member or instructor. Once the letter is generated by Student Conduct, the letter will be forwarded directly to the requesting party to request and review additional information, if any, from the website. In the event there is a basis to refer a student for an alleged Honor Code violation, the faculty member or instructor will submit the report for further review to Student Conduct. If you are a faculty member wanting to request that your materials be taken down please visit Chegg, Course Hero, or the respective site where your materials are uploaded.

In furtherance of supporting students and instructors in remote learning environments, we hope that you will share any suggestions and resources with us at [email protected] as they become available to you.

Those teaching classes remotely may find it helpful to consider the following:

  • Create clear and specific expectations related to remote instruction and academic integrity that are aligned with the principles outlined by the Center for Faculty Excellence on the "Keep Teaching" website. 
  • Consider that assessment tools that were used while instructing in the classroom are not transferable to instructing the same or similar course remotely. The University encourages faculty and instructors to identify alternative assessment tools as outlined by the Center for Faculty Excellence. 
  • Review the Instrument of Student Judicial Governance and contact Student Conduct if you have questions. 
  • Create syllabi that are clear about expectations relevant to each and every assignment and exam; include information about identified behaviors that have warranted previous referrals to the Honor System. For example, if the use of unauthorized materials (e.g., web-based tutorial websites including, but not limited to,, Course Hero, etc.) are strictly prohibited, additional language that is explicit and explains what and why the behavior relevant to the use of these resources are prohibited. 
  • Feel free to print and share our infographic with your colleagues

Student Conduct and the Honor System will continue to consider ways to support students and help to inform teaching practices during times of remote learning. Moreover, our guiding principles for supporting all members of the campus community using technology to instruct and learn must shift in order to foster honest and ethical student engagement in the classroom.  

We encourage students and instructors to access additional resources that include the following: 

Accessibility Resources & Service 

The Writing Center 

The Learning Center 

As always, please contact us if you have questions or would like additional resources.

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