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Offenses Under the Honor Code

**The Instrument of Student Judicial Governance is superseded by the Student Code of Conduct and Student Conduct Procedures effective August 16, 2024. Conduct occurring prior to this effective date will be referred through the Honor System and Honor Code process for resolution, as reflected under "Implementation and Effective Date" within the Student Conduct Procedures.**

The charges below are from the Instrument of Student Judicial Governance ("Instrument"). Actual charge language and sections might be different than stated in the Instrument. Please consult the Instrument for precise language and section numbers.

  • General Responsibilities. It shall be the responsibility of every student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to:
    • Obey and support the enforcement of the Honor Code;
    • Refrain from lying, cheating, or stealing;
    • Conduct themselves so as not to impair significantly the welfare or the educational opportunities of others in the University community; and
    • Refrain from conduct that impairs or may impair the capacity of University and associated personnel to perform their duties, manage resources, protect the safety and welfare of members of the University community, and maintain the integrity of the University.

Offenses proscribed by this section include, but shall not be limited to, those set out in Sections II.B. and II.C. Additional guidance concerning the interpretation of Section II of this Instrument may from time to time be issued by the Committee on Student Conduct as provided in Section V.E.

Academic Dishonesty

It shall be the responsibility of every student enrolled at the University of North Carolina to support the principles of academic integrity and to refrain from all forms of academic dishonesty including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Plagiarism in the form of deliberate or reckless representation of another’s words, thoughts, or ideas as one’s own without attribution in connection with submission of academic work, whether graded or otherwise.
  • Falsification, fabrication, or misrepresentation of data, other information, or citations In connection with an academic assignment, whether graded or otherwise.
  • Unauthorized assistance or unauthorized collaboration in connection with academic work, whether graded or otherwise.
  • Cheating, in the form of gaining or attempting to gain an undue advantage on examinations or other academic work, whether graded or otherwise, including but not limited to the following:
    • Using unauthorized materials and methods (notes, books, electronic information, telephonic or other forms of electronic communication, or other sources or methods), or
    • Representing another’s work as one’s own.
  • Violating procedures pertaining to the academic process, including but not limited to the following:
    • Violating or subverting requirements governing administration of examinations or other academic assignments;
    • Compromising the security of examinations or academic assignments;
    • Submitting an assignment that is the same as or substantially similar to one’s own previously submitted work(s) without explicit authorization of the instructor; or
    • Engaging in other actions that compromise the integrity of the grading or evaluation process.
  • Deliberately furnishing false information to members of the University community in connection with their efforts to prevent, investigate, or enforce University requirements regarding academic dishonesty.
  • Forging, falsifying, or misusing University documents, records, identification cards, computers, or other resources so as to violate requirements regarding academic dishonesty.
  • Violating other University policies that are designed to assure that academic work conforms to requirements relating to academic integrity.
  • Assisting or aiding another to engage in acts of academic dishonesty prohibited by Section II.B.

Conduct Affecting Persons

Student Conduct Adversely Affecting Members of the University Community or the University. It shall be the responsibility of every student enrolled at the University of North Carolina to refrain from conduct that impairs or may impair the right of all members of the University community to learn and thrive in a safe and respectful environment; or the capacity of University and associated personnel to perform their duties, manage resources, protect the safety and welfare of members of the University community, and maintain the integrity of the University. To these ends, no student or student group shall engage in conduct, or assist another in conduct, that adversely affects or creates a substantial risk of adversely affecting University interests including but not limited to the following:

  • Fighting or other conduct that unreasonably endangers or inflicts physical injuryupon another.
  • Threats that involve violation of restraining orders or no-contact orders imposed by government or campus authorities, stalking, or other activities that create a reasonable apprehension of physical or emotional harm to an individual following a request or order to desist.
  • [Effective May 11, 2015, this provision is reserved for future codification.]
  • Hazing that causes or permits an individual, with or without consent, to engage in activities that subject that individual or others to risks of physical injury, mental distress, or personal indignities of a highly offensive nature, in connection with recruitment, initiation, or continued membership in a society, fraternity or sorority, club, or similar organized group, whether or not recognized by the University.
  • Possessing or carrying any weapon or dangerous substance, whether openly or concealed, unless expressly authorized by University policies.
  • Operating a motor vehicle:
    • while impaired by alcohol, drugs, or other substances, and/or
    • in a reckless manner so as to create a significant threat to members of the University community.
  • Engaging in disorderly, obscene, or recklessly dangerous conduct affecting University interests, students or other personnel.
  • Controlled Substances:
    • Illegally using, possessing, manufacturing, selling, or delivering a controlled substance as defined by state or federal laws or applicable policies of the Board of Trustees or Board of Governors; or
    • Illegally possessing with intent to manufacture, sell, or deliver a controlled substance as defined by state or federal laws or applicable policies of the Board of Trustees or Board of Governors.
  • Engaging in violent, forceful, threatening, intimidating, or disruptive conduct, or inciting others to engage in such individual or collective conduct, that willfully disrupts any normal operation, function, or activity of the University or any of its organizations, personnel, or guests.
  • Engaging in conduct, or inciting others to engage in conduct that improperly restrains freedom of movement, speech, assembly, or access to premises or activities by any individual who is a member of the University community or guest of the University or of any of its organizations in connection with that individual’s performance of legitimate activities or duties within or at the University.
  • Engaging in conduct within a University classroom that substantially disrupts the academic environment.
  • Misrepresenting oneself as another or otherwise adversely interfering with their credit, academic standing, privacy or personal information.
  • Misusing, removing, tampering with, or otherwise making less effective, equipment (including but not limited to, fire extinguishers, fire alarms, smoke detectors, and emergency call boxes) intended for use in improving or protecting the safety of members of the University community, either on University premises or on the premises of a student organization officially recognized by the University.
  • Assisting or aiding another to engage in acts prohibited by Section II.C.1. of this Instrument.

Conduct Affecting Property

  • Stealing, destroying, damaging, or misusing property belonging to the University or another individual or entity.
    • Violating University policies regarding use or management of resources including but not limited to computers, electronic resources, library resources, equipment, or supplies.
    • Forging, falsifying, or misusing documents, records, identification cards, computers, data, library materials, or other resources created, maintained, or used by the University or members of the University community.
    • Trespassing upon housing units, offices, classrooms, laboratories, or other facilities or unauthorized intrusion into electronic records owned or managed by the University, an affiliated organization, or another member of the University community.
    • Assisting or aiding another to engage in acts prohibited by Section II.C.2. of this Instrument.

Conduct Affecting the Integrity of the University

  • Knowingly abusing a position of trust or responsibility within the University community.
    • Disregarding the Honor Code or interfering with the judicial procedures established under this Instrument by refusing to identify oneself to a University official in pursuit of their duty, refusal to appear before University officials or disciplinary bodies when directed to do so, or lying to the Honor Court or judicial officials in the discharge of their duties.
    • Violating the terms of disciplinary proceedings or of any sanction imposed pursuant to such proceedings.
    • Using the name of the University or the names of members or organizations in the University community without authorization.
    • Knowingly misrepresenting academic standing, performance, or accomplishments to members of the University community or others in order to gain an undue advantage.
    • Knowingly violating officially adopted University policies designed to protect the integrity and welfare of the University and members of the campus community.
    • Deliberately furnishing false or misleading information to University personnel acting in the exercise of their official duties.
    • Assisting or aiding another to engage in acts prohibited by Section II.C.3. of this Instrument.

Group Offenses

  • Societies, clubs, or similar organized groups in or recognized by the University are subject to the same standards as are individual members of the University community. The commission of any offense within this section by such a group or its members acting in concert, or the failure of such a group to exercise preventive measures relative to violations of the Honor Code by its members shall constitute a group offense that may be sanctioned in addition to sanctions imposed for offenses by individual students.

Application to Students Acting in Capacity of University Instructors or Employees

  • Where conduct prohibited by provisions of Section II involves astudent acting in the capacity of University instructor or employee, such conductmay be addressed under pertinent University policies such as those relating tosexual misconduct, discrimination, harassment, falsification of information, or misuse of University resources, rather than under this Instrument, if handlingunder such applicable University policies is deemed to be more appropriate byresponsible University officials in their sole discretion.
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