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Committee on Student Conduct (COSC)


The Committee on Student Conduct (COSC) is comprised of a cross-section of Carolina students, faculty, and administrators. COSC oversees the implementation of the Honor Code and the workings of the Honor System. The Committee has 12 voting members, appointed by various University leadership. The Chancellor appoints three members. The Chair of the Faculty Council appoints three faculty members. The Student Body President appoints four undergraduate student members and the Graduate and Professional Student Government President appoints two graduate & professional schools student members. Additionally, all Attorney General, Court Chairs, and the Honor System Outreach Coordinator serve as non-voting ex officio members.

Functions of the Committee

The responsibilities of the Committee on Student Conduct include the following:

  • Overseeing the operation of the Instrument and the Honor System;
  • Developing, promulgating, and monitoring policies and guidelines regarding operational procedures for implementation of this Instrument and the Honor System
  • As necessary and appropriate, interpreting this Instrument and developing guidelines and policies regarding its meaning and operation, including but not limited to designation of offenses as “minor” or “serious” as provided under policies of the University Board of Trustees or Board of Governors;
  • Advising student judicial officers, the Judicial Programs Officer, the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, and the Chancellor regarding this Instrument and the Honor System as appropriate;
  • Proposing, reviewing, and coordinating action on amendments to this Instrument appropriate to its increased effectiveness;
  • Performing such other duties as specified in this Instrument; and
  • Reporting to the Chancellor, Faculty Council, and Student Congress annually in writing.

The Committee on Student Conduct meets bi-weekly throughout the Fall and Spring semesters. If you are interested in attending a COSC meeting, or would like to be added to the agenda, please contact us.

Next COSC Meetings:

Please contact [email protected] for the COSC meeting schedule.

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