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Honor System Outreach

Honor System Outreach is charged with the tremendous job of educating students, faculty, staff, and the entire Carolina community on what it means to be a Tar Heel and to lead with integrity.

Outreach Coordinator

As outlined in the Instrument, the Outreach Coordinator is responsible for the following:

  • Coordinating and promoting outreach activities by the Honor System
  • Working with the Faculty Honor System Advisory Committee to improve information and education relating to academic issues
  • Working with student government and other student organizations to foster information and educating regarding student conduct issues
  • Serving as an ex officio member of the Committee on Student Conduct

Each year, the Honor System Outreach Coordinator is appointed by the Student Body President, with advice from Honor System Outreach Coordinator Search Committee, and with confirmation by Student Congress. While preference is given to individuals who have served at least two semesters on Honor System Outreach, the only requirement for this position is that the student be at least a second-semester sophomore, if the candidate is an undergraduate student. If the candidate is a graduate and professional student, then the candidate must have completed at least one full academic year of study. All candidates should have extensive knowledge of the Honor System.

Outreach Committee

Any UNC student interested in promoting academic integrity and healthy student behaviors can join the Outreach Committee. These students work with the Outreach Coordinator and the Graduate and Professional Honor System Outreach Officer to help plan events and carry out outreach activities. Additionally, students who are interested in joining other branches of the Honor System are strongly encouraged to volunteer on the Outreach Committee to learn more about how the system operates and works to promote academic integrity on campus.

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