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Get Involved!

Building and maintaining a culture of honor and integrity is important to the Carolina community. Such a culture, however, does not arise spontaneously nor does thrive without attention and continuous renewal. The culture of integrity is created and sustained through vision, leadership, and energy from students, faculty, and staff.


Looking for a way to get more involved? Join the Conduct Board!

  • Members of the Conduct Board serve on panels for allegations of the Student Code of Conduct and have the opportunity to support outreach and educational initiatives. Conduct Board members will be provided training through Student Conduct.
Student Conduct interest form

Contact for more information about the Conduct Board.

Ways to Promote Honor on Campus

In order to nourish a strong campus-wide understanding and commitment to honor and integrity, faculty members, teaching assistants, staff, and students can:

  • Explore issues of integrity in connection with instructional and co-curricular activities;
  • Encourage questions to support clarity in understanding expectations and standards;
  • Participate in educational initiatives or request workshops or orientations designed to create, nurture, and enforce high standards of academic and person integrity within the University community;
  • Serve as a member of the Conduct Board or Advisory Committee
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