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Join the Conduct Board!

We are always looking for students, faculty, and staff who are committed to upholding honor and integrity at Carolina.

Opportunities include:

  • Conduct Board Member: students, staff, and faculty who are trained to resolve allegations of academic and non-academic misconduct through a Formal Hearing
  • Conduct Board Chair: a member of the Conduct Board who has additional responsibilities during the Formal Hearing and consults with Student Conduct for Large Scale Case Resolution (LSCR) sanctions
  • Student Advisor: students who receive training to provide guidance to a Respondent (student alleged with violating the Student Code of Conduct) and serve as a peer advisor for the process
  • Outreach and Education Initiatives: keep the Carolina community informed about policies, expectations, values, and trends through active events and social media

If you're interested in learning more about the Conduct Board, complete this form and a member of Student Conduct will follow-up with you.

Student Conduct interest form
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